On Saturday, I had to complete my long run for my Broad Street run training. So far, the runs aren't actually THAT long (only 4 miles), but for me, that is FAR! I ran at the Y on the track, so it wasn't as boring as the treadmill, but I was shocked how well I did. I guess all of the running I have done so far has paid off!

After I got home, we had to run off to a surprise birthday party for our friend Stephen. I didn't take any pictures because I forgot my camera at Amy's (I had to go BACK to Delaware this morning and pick it up). The party was a BLAST! We were playing drinking games from college and loved the Mardi Gras theme (this was the only way to keep the secret from him!) Now, today, we're just relaxing and hanging out since it's crappy and cold outside. A busy, busy weekend, but fun!
Hopefully these next couple of weeks will go fast so spring will be here!