Tuesday, September 22, 2009


21 Week Summary

How am I feeling?
Still feeling pretty good- but tired after working all day!

How do I look? I definitely look pregnant now! There's a belly for sure!

In the last two weeks, I really started to feel the baby kick. It was slow at first, but now, it's whenever I'm sitting down or laying in bed at night!

What am I craving?
Anything I can fit in my mouth!

Not really!

What do I miss?
I miss laying on my stomach!

What am I looking forward to?
Starting on the nursery!

Weight gain :
Who knows? I go to the dr next week. I think I'll probably be up about 7 or 8 lbs overall.

Discovery of the week?

I REALLY need to get a body pillow!!!!

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Sunday, September 20, 2009

I'm Still Alive!

I know, I know... I'm in trouble with my bloggers. Sorry! If you're not a teacher, remember what the beginning of the school year is like?!!?!? Absolute CHAOS! My class is great- but it has been a LOT of work. I moved classrooms yet AGAIN and have taken on a whole bunch of extras. This is all okay, but working two jobs and being pregnant don't really help.

The beginning of the school year went off without a hitch, back to school night went great, my parents were really supportive of my pregnancy (which I was a little leary about), and I'm taking 6 credits this fall (working toward that Master's +30 raise!). So, needless to say, breathing time is at a minimum.

I wrote a grant last year for a SMART board. If you're not familiar, they are interactive whiteboards. The kids absolutely LOVE using it in class. I'm sure the novelty will wear off soon, but it's a really great resource for classrooms. Not only can you interact with the board, but you can save, print and add web resources all in one place! It pretty much takes away the need for an LCD projector, TV and overhead! The hard part is that it requires a lot of prep outside of the school day. Your lessons have to be completely planned which can sometimes be hours of work (but are worth it if your kids are sucking in the knowledge!)

So, not much else is new... working on getting my 20 week update done for you! I promise I will not go astray for awhile- I have to MAKE blogging time! Give me until Tuesday for an update (I have class tomorrow night!)

Enjoy the beautiful fall weather!
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Tuesday, September 1, 2009

17 Week Update

17 Week Summary

How am I feeling?
Still feeling pretty good, but I really have to pace myself when I eat!

How do I look? Starting to look more and more pregnant every day. I think I've popped! I only have one pair of non-maternity shorts that I can still squeeze into!

I'm hoping to feel the baby kick soon- the baby books say possibly in the next couple of weeks!

What am I craving?
Spaghettio's, Spaghettio's and more Spaghettio's

Nothing really.

What do I miss?

What am I looking forward to?
Finding out the sex (although we will have to wait at least another 20 weeks!)

Weight gain I dropped 1.5 lbs at my dr's appt... this means I'm back to 3.5lbs. I have a feeling the scale will continue to rise at my next appt though!

Discovery of the week?

Trying to dress for work in the few maternity clothes I own really sucks!

My 20 week ultrasound is tonight. Eric cannot go because he can't get out of work, so I'm taking my mom! Hopefully I'll come home with some pictures! We'll have to remind the ultrasound tech that we're not finding out the sex!
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