So.... I got the phone call tonight that Grammie's oxygen levels were dropping. My mom was very worried that the doctor said she might not make it through the night so my sister and I headed over to the hospital and met everyone there. When we went in, I expected to see my grandmother lifeless and out of it. I was wrong. She was wearing an oxygen mask, but she sure was with it! Although her levels were low, after a while on the oxygen, she started to stabilize. I was glad to see her that way. Although she looked good, the doctor was still a bit nervous until she gets to dialysis tomorrow. They made sure to check her living will, which was depressing, but necessary.
All in all, things are shaky, but I'm glad I went to the hospital even though I was there yesterday. I will be sure to update tomorrow when I have more news.... in the meantime, please say a prayer....
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