I love that song by Jack Johnson.... it's so true. I feel like I spend way too much of my life waiting for something.... I am by nature a planner and I am always wishing and waiting for the next plan. I need to practice being in the moment.
Okay, I'm finished with my soapbox. My week was crazy, and I'm thankful it's over. We had state testing this week as well as parent teacher conferences, so our schedule was completely turned upside down as well. Thankfully, it looked as though the kids did pretty well on the tests, and all of my conferences ended well. I even got a wonderful thank you email the following day after one of my conferences.... definitley makes it all worthwhile.
Friday night, I was so tired, I didn't feel like doing much of anything. We ended up going out for pizza and a couple of beers and I was in bed at 10:30.... just wonderful! On Saturday, I babysat my sister's kids for a few hours in the morning and then worked until dinner time. One of my co-workers 30th birthday parties was yesterday so I went over to his house after work. I paid for that this morning. They had a keg and I wasn't a huge fan of the beer on tap, so I stuck with liquor.... I can't remember the last time I drank liquor and I think I mixed every liquor imaginable last night.... I was greeted at the door with two jello shots- seriously- haven't done that since college! Followed by some long island iced teas, a strawberry daquiri or two, it just went all downhill. So needless to say, my Broad Street Run training didn't happen this morning. I was happy I was well enough to take the dog out. It was AWFUL.... One of those times when you promise you will NEVER do it again....
So, here I am at work again (my little spending cash/pay off the credit cards second job that I've had since high school). I'm finally feeling back to normalish.... thank god. It would be nice if I could get out of here at a decent hour and try and get my run in tonight, but being that the weather is awesome and everyone wants to be outside... they're all golfing, which means that I will probably be here awhile.
Hope all is well.... and some of you lurkers better delurk soon- unless of course, everyone stopped reading!
Hope you can get your run on soon, it definitely helps to feel better and accomplished =)
Jello shot's really? Kinda cool for a 30th birthday lol
Haven't checked in for a while...who the hell would schedule state testing and parent conferences in the same week??? You must have been BEAT! The jello shot/LI Iced Tea night sounds like it wore you out too! Yikes! Hope you had fun though...
De-lurking! I love Jack Johnson too!
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