1. Blog more- Why would I NOT blog about these two????

2. Financial responsibility- looking at the Dave Ramsey way of doing things. Another blogger friend, Jen, wrote a really inspiring post about Dave Ramsey and I've heard of him before, so it's work trying. Hubs and I have some debt to get rid of, and I'm sick of this burden on my back. We'd like nice things, like a new car and a bigger house someday, so it's time to get rid of the debt and start saving. We're very good at saving for things like our retirement and our kid's college, but we don't save in the day-to-day scheme of things. Not.Good.
3. Photo a day- see this link- this is the best way (along with blogging) to document my life (especially my oh.so.cute. kiddos!)
4. Lose this baby weight! I'm taking it easy on myself here since Mason is only 7 1/2 weeks, but I don't feel good in my skin or about myself when I'm not close to my normal weight, so I joined Weight Watchers again, and my blogger friend Jaime started a facebook group for several women (mostly moms) who are looking forward to a New Year and a New You! That's a great way for me to think about it. I don't need to look the way I did when I was 20 (that will NEVER happen), but I'd like to be proud of my mom body and rock a bikini again someday (okay, I have stretch marks, but maybe at least look REALLY hot in a tankini!)
So there- it's in print. I have to stick to it now- yes?
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