HELLO FRIDAY- I have been waiting for you for a VERY long time! I'm really looking forward to the 4:00 hour though, not this 8:00 crap that it is now....
So, tonight, laying low I suppose. Tomorrow will be super busy! I have to go to the Y, go to a Tastefully simple party, in part to see my friend that I haven't seen in FOREVER, then a pig roast and then since Eric's going to the Flyers game with my brother in law, I'm stuck hanging out with my sister all night... how terrible... haha I'm just saying that because I know she'll read this. I'm looking forward to a "down" weekend. Then, I have to work on Sunday, but we might go visit Eric's parents after work.
So, my team is trying to decide what to do for Halloween. We can't think of a good idea.... there's 10 of us.... two men, eight women.... any ideas? Yeah, I didn't think so. My friend Liz is going to be a kangaroo and her daughter is going to be her Joey.... um yeam, probably the mostcustestadorable idea EVER. And, her mom is making the costume. Doesn't sound like anything like that would ever happen in my family. I can sew buttons and that's about it.... my mom's genes didn't include the sewing trait.... but, that's okay by me.
Well, off to start my day.... I've got my Phillies shirt on.... and I even ironed Eric's Phillies golf shirt- aren't we the best Phans ever?
Have a WONDERFUL day :)
The costume is DONE and it looks pretty good. And best of all, I MADE IT!! My mom can sew way better but I was determined to make her first costume! That is a pretty big group to dress up wtih!
"Stuck hanging out with your sister"? Not nice!! Just kidding I know you were joking too, I hope! I will bring home chick flicks, alcohol, and chinese food!
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