Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Belly Pictures... Ugh!

So here are the long awaited belly pics.... I'm waited on posting them because I'm still not a huge fan of the way they look yet.... more like fat and not so much like a baby is in there! A couple more weeks.... Anyway... here's you're 11 week photo from last week!
I am feeling a ton better.... the energy is not 100% yet, but I can eat most anything. I think I'm over the hump! I go next Wednesday for my first trimester ultrasound to make sure there's nothing majorly wrong in there!

I'm finishing up my second week of a 6-credit grad course which has gone really well. I've been able to accomplish a lot of work in Science (the subject which I like the least!) We're almost finished and after work on Sunday, we're going to head to the beach for our anniversary... can you believe it's been a year already? It's time to bust that freezer-burnt cake out!


Chelle said...

So cute! I love preggie belly. I can't wait to hear the how the ultrasound goes next week.

Congrats on the pending anniversary. I think Hubs was the only one who dared to eat the top of our wedding cake a year later. I just couldn't bring myself to do it. I didn't want to remember it that way. ;)

Elizabeth said...

You look def. don't look fat at all. It is all in the belly!! Just wait, it only gets bigger =)