Here are some photos from my ultrasound today.... 13 weeks!

Baby Fig was very active today.... jumping all over the place!! The ultrasound tech said everything looked great, and that no news is good news, so hopefully we're all finished with that!
While I was there, a research student came in and asked me to participate in a fetal growth study. The study involves tracking, height, weight, mood and baby's measurements via ultrasounds. This means that I get 5 extra ultrasounds for FREE!!! As if that wasn't good enough, they pay you to come in! So, of course I said yes. My first appt. is next week. We'll see how it goes.... now that I'm in the second trimester, I'm hoping some of my energy comes back soon!
Hope everyone else is well.... I haven't heard from my blogger friends in awhile.... everything okay?
Extra ultrasounds are the best!!! The baby is beautiful already!
I am here!! =) Isn't it crazy how much the ultrasounds change in just a couple of weeks. They start growing too fast even before they are born
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