13w Summary
How am I feeling?
I feel pretty good, although I was super dehydrated yesterday!
How do I look? Clothes are starting to get tight.... here's the 13 week picture:

First real craving this last week- CHOCOLATE milk! I must need the Calcium!
What am I craving?
See above!
Ummm.... "heavy" foods.... I don't know if I can eat a real dinner yet.
What do I miss?
Fitting in anything in my closet! I just want to look pregnant at this point (okay not huge, but big enough that I don't need to explain myself!)
What am I looking forward to?
Feeling the baby move!
Weight gain 2 lbs so far.... looks like WAY more than that!
Discovery of the week?
I can't do it all anymore.... I've got to rely on other to help.... how did that take 25 years to learn?
That is crazy, I wanted Choc. milk too!!!! I don't even really like chocolate! haha. 2 lbs, thats great but make sure you are eating enough for the baby! Isn't it going by so quickly!
BTW, I have the cover for the battery part on your swing. Remind me when we get together.
Cute little bump! I can't speak from experience, but my mom said that she drank milk SO much when she was pregnant with my brother & with me. How funny! :) Lookin' good- keep us updated!
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