Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Make it Monday (on Tuesday!)

I've decided to team up with Ashley at the Pollock Potluck and do a Make it Monday post!
I didn't want to spend a lot of money on Father's Day, because we both get a lot of the things that we want- but I wanted to make it memorable.  Our kids are really the reason we get to celebrate these special days, so I wanted to give Eric a gift from the kids.  So- with letters painted by Mackenzie- and a photo session at the park, here's what we came up with:
I'm happy with how it turned out.  It started with these photos:

I tried to get one with the letters spelled out- but Mason was DONE.  So- this was the best we had:

Our Father's Day was nice.  Eric has to work on the weekends- so we didn't get to see him all day, but we went out to dinner with both grandparents:

Mason getting ready to go!

With Mimi and Poppy!

With Lita and Lito!

Family shot!


1 comment:

Ashley said...

LOVE your gift! Photos of the kids are always a winner! They came out great! :)

Thanks for linking up! Can't wait to see what you do next week!