Friday, August 13, 2010

Baby Weight....

While I've been EXTREMELY lucky that we have a well-adjusted, easy baby (she's the angel baby in the Baby Whisper's explanation!), I can't say that losing the baby weight has been easy. I breast fed for three months, and stopped when I had to go back to work. I was thankful for the time that I had, but didn't see the weight "fall off" like people told me it would if I breast fed. It also didn't help that I kept feeling hungry all the time when I was breast-feeding. I had an unbelievable appetite and could always eat! It was nice while it lasted, and although I wasn't gaining weight, I certainly wasn't losing.

Around May, I joined Weight Watchers. I was sick of my body looking the way it did and decided I needed to do something for me. Although it's another bill and financial commitment, I know it's important for my health. So far, I've lost 8 lbs. It's okay, and I know a lot of people would be happy, but I wasn't giving it an honest effort in the beginning. I was tracking, but I was using the extra point available every week, just to get through my daily allotment.

As I got more desperate, I was approached by a friend on Facebook to talk with a trainer, Ty Turner. Ty is a nationally certified trainer and used to be a manager of a fitness club. He has a vision of an online training/nutrition program, and is hoping to work with more than just his clients in Oregon. Ty took me under his wing because I was one of the initial 100 people needed for him to show his success. He has been so motivating and helpful. His advice about food, working out and commitment to the goal have been awesome. I email him frequently with questions and he always gets back to me with a well-justified answer. His support has been invaluable.

Lastly, I know that a lot of what I put in my body has been less than par. I try to eat healthy, but we are always tempted with other things. I need to work on my will power to say no when we are out, and knowing that every occasion is not a special occasion. I wanted to do something easy that would help me "start over" with my eating. I tried an Isagenix cleanse. I used the 9-day cleanse, and found that it helped me think about what I was putting in my mouth. I signed up to be an associate so I could get a discount, but that means that I can sell it to myself now too!!!

In the last two weeks, I've lost an additional 6 lbs. Between Ty and Isagenix, I feel that was the difference. Ty provided the support and Isagenix got me back on track. My goal is to be back in my "old clothes" by my friends wedding on November 6. That's about 23lbs left. My ultimate goal is to be in my "bikini form" by next January, when we go to Puerto Rico. That's about 31 lbs. I know I can do it, if I just put my mind to it. I'm hoping that the school year will put me back into a nice pattern again and packing my meals will take the guessing game out of bad choices... what about you? Do (did) you have trouble losing the baby weight??


Elizabeth said...

Losing the weight is NOT fun. Breastfeeding does NOT help, like you said you are always hungry. Most doctors even say that breastfeeding does help you lose weight because you burn 500 calories from feeding but you need at least an extra 400 to produce good milk! Awesome job losing the 8 so far, you can do it!!!! Starting is always the hardest part for me. I will make a healthy lunch next week =)

Chelle said...

I got sick of my baby weight at around 4-5 months post partum and started walking 4 miles every day no matter what the weather was like. Some days it was down right brutal, but it paid off for sure. I need to get back into it because I've put a couple back on. Boo!

Great job on losing and taking charge. You will watch that weight fly off now for sure!

Sara said...

Hey lady! You know motivation is posting it on facebook. I feel that at least 10% of my friends there will hold me accountable! Like you, I didn't see the weight fall off breastfeeding. If I lose a pound a week, I'm pretty damn excited. I have 13lbs to go to get back to my pre-pregnancy weight, already lost 30. I too want to lose another 10-12 after that (I probably should've lost those pounds before I got pregnant). I'm going to look into the 9-day cleanse you mentioned. I've often thought about that, but never knew if it was healthy/safe or not. I know WW isn't for me, I can't commit to keeping track like it requires. We're walking for 30mins outside a few times a week & I keep wondering how I'll keep up with the weight loss once I'm back to work. With no family here to help, crazy work schedules & a commitment to put family first, I might be getting up at 4am to work out! I know you can do it & you look amazing!!!

Unknown said...

hurmm..losing baby weight is not easy..dont focus too much on losing weight and dieting.. enjoy motherhood to the fullest to k..Take Care! :)